Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Psychological Well-Being

Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve Psychological Well-Being

How advancements in machine learning can positively impact your mental health

This week Deep Longevity and Harvard University psychologist, Nancy Etcoff released a paper describing a machine-learning approach to mental health and psychological well-being1. She also rolled out a free online assessment tool: FuturSelf. FuturSelf uses AI to evaluate an online psychological tool to predict a user’s chronological age and psychological well-being in 10 years.

The online assessment was developed using the scale developed by Dr. Carol Ryff in the 1980’s2.

She defined six aspects of mental well-being:

  1. Self-acceptance
  2. Personal Growth
  3. Purpose in life
  4. Environmental mastery
  5. Autonomy
  6. Positive relations with others

Each of the six factors is important for psychological wellness and happiness. Focusing on improving the factors that are lower can improve well-being. High scores in the six factors means that you feel good about who you are in the world and where you are going. Results of the test can also be useful in identifying the risk of future depression.

The online assessment uses deep learning algorithms (AI) to determine your psychological age, your psychological age group, and your results in each of the six aspects of mental well-being. At the end of the assessment users receive a personalized report with insights designed to help improve your long-term well-being.

Here are four tools you might find helpful:

  • First, here is a blog that discusses the six aspects of well-being and how Futurself works.
  • Second, here is a link to a demo report. This will give you an idea of the information you will receive.
  • Third, if this catches your interest and you would like to take the assessment and receive personalized recommendations, simply click here.
  • Finally, if you want to go deeper, here is a video to help you understand the science of FuturSelf.

We hope you have a very enjoyable summer. Please email or call if you want to set up a meeting or talk by phone.

Ralph Broadwater, M.D., CFP®



2Ryff, C. D. (1989). Happiness is everything, or is it? Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57(6), 1069–1081.

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