Two Suggestions to Improve Your Daily Life

by Ralph Broadwater, MD, CFP®, AIF®

If you are like me, you are fatigued and emotionally drained by the continuous back and forth between the media and our current administration. All of the news is negative, and the level of societal discourse has deteriorated so much that it seems as if we are living in a world that is spinning out of control.  If you are still watching the nightly news and following politics, I have two suggestions that will reduce your angst and create a more positive and productive outlook:

  1. Turn off the television and quit following the news.
  2. Spend some time learning about Futurism.

We are living in exciting times. The changes that we will see in the next 10-20 years will be truly transformative- like nothing we or the world has ever seen before. Some of these new developments to explore:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality
  • Robotics
  • Autonomous Driving
  • 3-D Printing
  • Longevity
  • Brain-Computer Interface
  • Renewable Energy
  • Space Development
  • Ubiquitous Connectivity
  • Nano Medicine

Some Suggestions to Get You Started

Here are a few websites and videos to help you start exploring Futurism.

SU Global Summit Peter Diamandis video

This excellent video from the Singularity Institute 2017 Global Summit, held in San Francisco August 13-15) summarizes the reasons the world is changing rapidly, for the better. The entire three presentations are excellent, but Dr. Diamandis’s talk starts at around the 43 minute mark (if you want to fast forward).

All of the presentations from this Global Summit are available on the Singularity University Facebook page.

SingularityHub (

An excellent site that also has a weekly email blog of timely articles and news related to all things related to futurism.

Singularity University (

Links to their outstanding Exponential conferences and Global Summit. They have the videos of all of these presentations for free, and through their Facebook page. (A great service and value since conference registration fees are $8000 for a 3 day conference)


Similar to Singularity Hub, an excellent summary site.

Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence (

Ray Kurzweil website and blog.  Currently Director of Engineering at Google. Inventor, futurist, cofounder of Singularity University.

Here are four books I recommend:

Abundance – The Future is Better than You Think, Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler

The Singularity is Near, Ray Kurzweil

The Inevitable, Kevin Kelly

The Fourth Transformation, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel

In the next few quarterly newsletters I plan to cover some of these important and exciting topics in more detail. For now, I hope you’ll consider my advice to quit following the news and spend some time exploring the rapidly advancing developments that will make our world a much better place. You will find that your day will be brighter, you will have more energy, and your current angst will recede.

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