Give the gift of experiences this holiday season

The Best Gifts this Holiday Season

We are now in the season of frenzied shopping for the perfect holiday gifts! I invite you to consider a different kind of gift – experiences.

I’m sure we all remember those “must have” toys as a child. For me, it was “Rub-a-Dub Doggie” – I remember seeing the commercials on TV in the eighties and I just HAD to have this bath toy. My life wasn’t complete until I had it. Christmas morning, rub-a-dub doggie showed up under our tree and I was ecstatic. I don’t remember whatever happened to rub-a-dub doggie, but I’m sure he was quickly replaced by the next “must have” toy and forgotten in a playroom pile somewhere. 

My most vivid memories are of experiences – a weeklong family camping trip at the beach and the time I met Reba McIntire backstage at a concert with my parents. Those are the memories that have lasted and brought the most happiness.

Studies have shown that experiences create a longer sense of fulfillment and happiness than other purchases. If you’re struggling to find gifts this year for those people who have everything, consider a gift of an experience, such as:

  • Tickets to a local concert or theater performance
  • Share a meal or give a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant
  • Weekend getaway
  • Museum membership
  • Classes to learn a new skill (ex. pottery making, yoga or cooking classes)
  • Adventure gifts (flying lessons, Race Car driving or a Hot-Air Balloon ride)

Sometimes the best and most memorable gifts don’t come with a bow and wrapping paper. 

As always, we are here for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom video conference meeting or talk by phone.

Mary McCraw, CFP®

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