Summer reading recommendations

Options for Summer Reading: Consider a Biography

One of my friends is an avid reader. He is a successful businessman and tends to focus on biographies. Unexpectedly a package will arrive with a handwritten note (or an inscription in the front of the book) encouraging me to read and learn from the enclosed gift. 

He tends to focus on complex figures who have been successful in their lives. The books are always well-written and sourced. They frequently provide valuable life lessons and insights. 

While I usually choose fiction for my pleasure reading, I have enjoyed this change to biographies. The well-written biography can teach about history, period culture, how to overcome struggles, and secrets of success. Studying how other people navigate their lives, challenges, failures, and careers can be a valuable exercise.

Here are five excellent biographies to consider if you want to explore this genre.

The Gambler by William C. Rempel

The Gambler: How Penniless Dropout Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Dealmaker in Capitalist History

by William Rempel

Kirk Kerkorian was one of the most private and wealthiest men in America. This book does an excellent job of uncovering his life story from business records, war archives, court documents, news clippings, and recollections of friends and family. Click here to purchase a copy.

Power Play by Tim Higgins

Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk, and the Bet of the Century

by Tim Higgins

Tim Higgins, Wall Street Journal tech and auto reporter has authored a detailed book about the creation of Tesla and Elon Musk’s vision. Click here to purchase a copy.

The Bond King by Mary Childs

The Bond King: How One Man made a Market, Built an Empire, and Lost it All

by Mary Childs

Mary Childs is co-host for NPR’s economics podcast, and has written for Barron’s magazine, the Financial Times, and Bloomberg News. This is an engrossing study of Bill Gross, the father of bond trading. Click here to purchase a copy.

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

by Jon Meacham

This Pulitzer Prize-winning author who has also written biographies on Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, George H. W. Bush, and on the friendship of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill has written a bestselling book about Thomas Jefferson, his leadership, and his use of power. Click here to purchase a copy.

Code Talker by Chester Nez and Judith Schiess Avila

Code Talker: The First and Only Memoir by One of the Original Navajo Code Talkers of WWII

by Chester Nez and Judith Schiess Avila.

This memoir written by the last living Navajo code talker of WWII was published in 2011, and he died in 2014. Click here to purchase a copy.

Any of these five books would be an excellent choice to start reading a biography this summer.

We are always available for you. Please email or call if you want to set up a Zoom videoconference meeting or talk by phone.

Ralph Broadwater, M.D., CFP®

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