Artificial Intelligence & Healthcare: Update 2022

There have been significant developments in the application of AI to the practice of medicine. Machine learning has exhibited effectiveness in training itself with images, pathology, and other clinical data. AI can recognize significant patterns that a human just can’t see.

In the past year additional medical uses of AI have been clinically validated. One of the most helpful resources to follow this area is Margaretta Colangelo’s LinkedIn page. Ms. Colangelo is a Silicon Valley executive with over 30 years of experience. She has a deep understanding of business, science, and technology. She is adept at tracking and forecasting innovation in technology.

Margaretta has an extensive network and communicates frequently with top-tier media, researchers at top universities, and CEOs of AI companies. She has published over three hundred articles on DeepTech, AI, and Blockchain. Her LinkedIn page, which has over 39,000 followers, tracks developments in AI, Medicine, and Longevity. I hope you will check out Ms. Colangelo’s LinkedIn page.

Following are several examples of the exciting clinical developments that she has covered.

Reducing Missed Fractures

In March 2022, the FDA cleared Gleamer BoneView® AI software to detect fractures and traumatic skeletal injuries in the US. This is the first solution to receive FDA and CE clearance in this category. In a recent study BoneView helped hospitals reduce missed fractures by 29% and increased sensitivity by 30% for exams with more than one fracture. Link

Detecting Brain Aneurysm

In April 2022 Aidoc received its 9th FDA 510(k) clearance for their AI triage algorithm and notification of brain aneurysm. Aidoc’s AI based decision support software analyzes medical imaging data, flags findings, and alerts radiologists, surgeons, and neurologists of suspected positive cases. In 2018 the FDA granted clearance for Aidoc’s algorithm to flag acute intracranial hemorrhage in CT scans, and in 2019 the company received FDA clearance for its pulmonary embolism system. Aidoc has also obtained FDA clearance for algorithms to detect pneumothorax, stroke, cervical fracture, intra-abdominal free gas, and incidental pulmonary embolism. Link

Predicting Cardiac Arrest

Natalia Trayanova, PhD, MS, and her colleagues in the Trayanova Lab at Johns Hopkins University are conducting innovative research in computational cardiology to predict this type of cardiac event. They are using machine learning to find features in medical images that reveal the condition of a person’s heart and to determine risk of cardiac arrest. They were able to accurately assess a person’s risk of sudden cardiac arrest for up to 10 years with high accuracy. The algorithm’s predictions were significantly more accurate on every measure than doctors’ predictions. Link

Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease

In April PreciseDx announced that its AI based pathology technology can accurately diagnose early-stage Parkinson’s Disease. PreciseDx’s AI algorithms were able to detect Parkinson’s pathology in image patches from biopsy samples with 99% sensitivity and 99% specificity traditional methods. Their groundbreaking study was a collaboration with The Michael J. Fox Foundation. Link

Detecting Prostate Cancer

Indica Labs announced CE-IVD Mark certification for HALO Prostate AI. This deep learning-based screening tool assists pathologists in identifying and grading prostate cancer in core needle biopsies. Link

Portable Breast Ultrasound Scanner

In May 2022 iSono Health announced FDA clearance of the company’s ATUSA™ System for breast imaging. This is world’s first AI-driven portable and automated 3D breast ultrasound scanner. In just 2 minutes, the ATUSA system automatically scans the entire breast volume, independent of operator expertise, and offers 3D visualization of the breast tissue. Link

AI Accelerator

There are currently more than 200 AI projects at Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic Platform collaborates with pharma companies, medical device companies, and health tech startups to drive innovation in diagnosis and treatment. This year the Mayo Clinic Platform announced their new accelerator program for AI powered health tech startups. Link

It is an exciting time in modern medicine. Machine learning is already helping improve diagnosis and early identification of many diseases. AI’s utility in radiology and pathology holds real promise in helping address both critical medical needs, along with the global physician shortages.

Please email or call if you want to set up a meeting or talk by phone.

Ralph Broadwater, M.D., CFP®

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