Are We There Yet? Person with long hair in a business suit and tie standing at the top of a mountain looking at a taller mountain in the distance with a telescope.

Are We There Yet?

If you’ve traveled with kids this summer, you might have heard that question. You may also have asked that question yourself about inflation. Hopefully you saw the news that our inflation rate for June has dropped to 3%! That’s wonderful news. The Fed target is 2%. Twenty percent of the economists answering a recent survey believe the Fed will institute one final rate hike by November. I’m hoping that the inflation statistics continue to cool over the next few months so that they are wrong. It seems like every time the markets start crawling back up, we get another rate hike, and the markets fall.

This chart of May inflation shows two things: 1) The US and Canada are benefiting from significant reductions in energy costs that are pulling our overall inflation rate down. Our European friends aren’t so lucky. Great Britan’s inflation rate was almost twice ours due to energy costs. 

This next chart shows the components of US inflation one month later. These June numbers have given everyone hope that we’re almost there. It is astounding that energy costs have continued to decline with summer travel and heat!

Yet, all is not rosy. Transportation costs are still up almost three times the inflation rate. This is primarily due to airline ticket costs. I suspect that the pent-up travel demand that developed during COVID has something to do with this. 

There may be another factor driving up airfare – concert ticket prices in this country. Ticket prices for entertainers such as Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen and Taylor Swift can top $2,500 in this country. It’s different in Europe. In cities like Glasgow, Copenhagen, and Stockholm the same tickets run for less than $200. People are actually booking those cheaper tickets and flying across the pond. This may not apply if you live in Little Rock. But if you live on the east coast, you can generally get cheaper airfare to Europe. You can kill two birds with one stone — visit a wonderful European city and see “The Boss!”

So, keep your fingers crossed. Maybe “we’re almost there” to the Fed’s inflation targets and we’re through with rate increases. I’m ready for a few consecutive months of market growth!

Rick Adkins, CFP®, ChFC, MBA

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