Secrets for living well

An 88 Year Old’s Secrets to Living Well

You may have observed the many books, articles, podcasts, etc. on how to live a long and healthy life. Our advisor, Dr. Ralph Broadwater, has written numerous blogs on this, as well. The past few years, I’ve been inspired by several individuals who are aging gracefully, but the most notable for me is my mom, Jean. 

I say notable because I’ve observed that not only does she appear to be more intelligent now compared to when I was younger, but even within the last few years, I’ve noticed that she has become more articulate and sharper—without relying on medications, memory supplements, or conscious effort. 

Here is some background information:

Jean never considered herself to be a good student. She was always more interested in sports than school. If you were to meet her, you might describe her as timid or shy. Growing up she only would come out of her reclusive shell for sports. Somehow, she managed to make it through high school and college, but she was always a slightly below average student, and much more interested in a pickup game of tennis or softball than studying. 

After she married and had kids, she pursed her true passion: art. She started taking art classes at the local university and eventually earned a 2nd bachelor’s degree, followed by a Master of Fine Arts degree. However, her education didn’t end there. Out of natural curiosity, she started studying the weather, botany, geography, and a host of other subjects—all to gather inspirations for her paintings and artwork. 

Her nighttime reading was always on a wide variety of subjects. Many of the books she picked up over the years simply caught her eye at the library or bookstore. During the COVID-19 era, she took advantage of Zoom classes on ornithology and gardening.

I strongly suspect that in addition to good genes, it may be her deep study of various subjects that help keep her mentally sharp. In addition, here are three other areas that appear to have contributed to living well at age 88:

Attention to preventive health and medication (only as needed)

    Jean has always kept up on the recommended annual exams for women, dental cleanings, and other physician recommendations. When she had her knee replacement several years ago, she followed the doctor’s instructions to the letter. Overall, she maintains a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, doesn’t smoke, and consumes very little alcohol. When it comes to medicine, it is only as needed, and she has worked hard to avoid prescription pain medicines. Occasionally, she will take over-the-counter medicines. I’ve always observed that she has a high threshold for pain and refuses to complain about the many aches and pains that come with being an 88-year-old former athlete. In fact, she hates spending times with her peers who constantly discuss their ailments. She avoids those types of friendships, and prefers either a younger crowd, or at least a peer group that doesn’t talk about health issues. 

    Socially engaged and (a little) public speaking

      Although Jean is an introvert by nature, she has always pushed herself to stay engaged with her community. She played tennis and golf into her late 70s, and she remains involved in a women’s circle at her church. At times, she has been asked to give small talks, lead devotions, or make other presentations related to her artwork.

      Willingness to adapt to new circumstances and life changes

      About 10 years ago, Jean sold her home in the country and moved into a small city with my sister’s family, including 2 teenage boys and her husband. At the time, it was a significant change, because it had just been her and her German Shepherd for at least 10 years before that. She confessed to me that living alone was turning her into “a little old lady—too set in my ways.” She liked being part of a household, and felt she was needed to help raise the two boys. This is a small example of how she has embraced change over the years.

      I’m sure there are other factors as well, but I continue to be amazed at how sharp she is as she approaches her 90s. Her journey has provided me with a blueprint on how to approach the future. You may have similar examples of people you know who just seem to have aged well. It gives us all hope that it is possible to either reverse or at least slow down the negative effects of aging.

      Kristina Bolhouse, CPA/PFS, CFP®

      Vice President/Shareholder

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